How do I book an appointment?

Connect with me through here.

What ages do you work with in your practice?

I work with late teens (14+) and adults in individual therapy sessions.

What concerns / symptoms / experiences do you work with?

Anxiety/anxiety disorders, depression, burnout, grief, life transitions, interpersonal/ relationship issues, self-esteem, stress, identity exploration/personal development, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma.

What is EMDR therapy?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy. EMDRIA is the EMDR International Association for trained members, and has a great introduction to EMDR here. Feel free to ask me about it in a consultation or in session.

I’ve never been to therapy - what do I need to get started?

A first step would be us connecting for a complimentary 15-minute consultation, offered by phone or video (your preference!). This gives us time to connect and see if it can be a fit to work together, and to answer any questions. After an initial first session is booked, an intake form and consent form is e-mailed to you through Jane App. Jane App will be where we meet for a virtual session. Initially, we explore your hopes for therapy, more about your experiences, and I will help guide these explorations.

Do you offer in person sessions or virtual?

Sessions are offered virtually Monday-Friday, and beginning in January 2024, in-person on Mondays before 2pm & after 5:30pm at Riverwest Therapy Collective.

How do I know if my insurance covers services?

If you have private health coverage for psychological services or counselling, then you may be able to be reimbursed for part or all of your session. Please contact your insurance provider to verify coverage and amounts.

Payment types include Jane payment, or credit card (visa, visa debit, mastercard).

What is your fee for service?

The fee is $210* for a 50-minute session, and $300 for a 75 minute session. These fees are based on the recommended fee schedule determined by the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta (PAA).

*A friendly note: In January 2024, Fees are changing to $220 for 50-minute sessions and $310 for 75-minute sessions, to align with the PAA’s recommended fees.

How frequently will we meet, and how many sessions do I need?

Therapy takes time and is unique from person to person - the frequency and session number is determined on an individual basis, and can be discussed in a 15-minute consultation call and throughout therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions